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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Some rapid fire on Wind Energy

  • Globally, Wind Power stands at 20 GW today and is growing by 25 % p.a.
  • Germany, Denmark, Spain have almost utilized their full potential.
  • Days of 100 feet towers are gone. Now 250 feet towers are in. ( Cost of tower used to offset value of extra electricity till now)
  • Though 2 blade turbines capture almost same energy as 3 blade rotors, they fail to withstand wind gust.
  • Europe produces some 12 GW wind poer ( Germany 6 GW, Denmark and Spain 2 GW each), US produces  5 GW.
  • Capital Expenditure per MW stands Rs 40 million and the generation cost is Rs 3 per Unit.
  • For financing 15 MW ( in 300 acres) project @ Rs 700 million:- Interest free foreign currency loan ( Rs 400 Million), Rupee term loan from ICICI ( Rs 120 million) and promotors contribution would be Rs 180 million.
  • AWT, a unit of Denmark's NEG Micon has manufacturing plant in Chennai.
  • China does wonders. In just one year it doubled its capacity to about 30 GW.
  • NAPCC target of getting 5 % + electricity from renewables and addition of 15% capacity in next 10 years seem difficult to achieve.
  • Hongkong based CLP s investing huge in India.

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