The era of exponential growth is over in India. Same we see in the table below, Well, the fact is after withdrawal of AD ( Acc...
The Wind Ahead..
Indian wind energy installed capacity likely to cross 30,000MW by 2030 , enough to produce 350TWh electricity ( 15% of energy need).This will mean an annual investment of Rs.300billion and creation of 1,50,000 jobs alongwith 320mT/year CO2 saving.
GWEC production is 100 GW.
ABB has set up WTG plant with Rs.200 Crore.
300MW wind energy gets GBI ( $0.01 /uniot for 4 to 10 years) with cap of $1,40,000 /year. MNRE has investment $81 million for this.
Accelerated depreciation of capital investemnt againts tax will continue till 2012.
Either GBI can be claimed or above, but not both.
India needs GBI of INR 1 ( $0.02) / unit .
MNRE expects 600 MW registration for GBI by March 2011.
Top 5:- US(40,000 MW), China(30,000MW),Ger(28,000MW),Spain(20,000MW) and India(12,000MW)