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Friday, March 1, 2013

Whats up for Indian Wind Energy Sector?

The era of exponential growth is over in India.
Same we see in the table below, 
Well, the fact is after withdrawal of AD ( Accelerated Depriciation) and GBI( Generation Based Incentive), wind energy scene in India is dull.
  • Even though revised estimated wind energy potential in India is 102 GWe ( @80m hub height), govt's emphasis on solar energy will not let this potential be utilised.
  • There are 46 types of tubines manufactured in India. ( annual capacity is 12000 MWe)
  • Induction Genearators, Optislip Induction Generators , Doubly Fed Induction Generators, and hybrid generators ( single stage gear box + synchronous generator) and squirrel cage Induction Generators ( with stall turbines for low wind conditions) have been used in India.
  • Hardly any Class I sites are left for development.