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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Suzlon Marches ahead despite troubles.

World's 5th largest wind turbine manufacturer is facing hard times. Its two US customers - M/S Deere and M/S Edison have reportedly cancelled some orders and placed them on GE.
In June 2007, Edison placed an order of 2.1 x 300 MW turbines on Suzlon. Half of the order i.e. for 150 turbines has been cancelled because Edison is is repordtedly not satsfied with the 'root cause analysis' of the rotor blades cracks.
Competetors of Suzlon- Vestas, Nordex ets have got about 50 % increase in the order book, a mark yet to be achieved by it.
The problem with Deere supply was reported to be lower plant availability.
By 2012, Suzlon will cross 14000 MW mark in terms of installed capacity.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Indian Wind Turbine Market

With 8500 MW installed capacity India Ranks 4th in the world. Suzlon's market share is 55% in that. Whats is unique about the Indian market? Unlike the Europe where most of the wind power is taken by utilities and is generated by IPPs, here in india, the lion's share ( 75%) of the wind power is used by the private companies as captive power generation.
Power Producers are barely 24% of total!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Poor Generation Problem of Wind Turbines

Why there is poor generation in some of the wind turbines? The reasons could be:-
1. Bad siting.
2. Power Curve related problem ( pitch angle setting and yaw alignment).
3. Equipment Inefficiency.

To overcome we can
1. Increase the hub hieght.
2.Relocate the wind turbine.
3.Can correct the yaw alignments and pitch settings.
4.Can change the noisy gearbox/generator.